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I Miss My Friend – A Poem for the Lovelorn


I miss the times,
We walked and talked…
about dogs & cats & interest rates…
I miss the hours,
We’d spend together…
Staring at each other in each others’ eyes!
I miss the fun,
We used to share…
On Thursday afternoons…
I miss you, friend,
And always will…
Don’t forget, and please write soon!


I miss the times,
I’d call you up…
Just to hear you speak.
We’d talk for hours!
Sunday to Sunday…
Almost every day of the week!
I miss your smile,
It cheered me up…
whenever I felt blue
I miss the feelings,
I used to feel…
When I said “I love you”.


I miss you constantly…
You’re on my mind, in my sleep,
…and when I wake…
I kneel by my bed,
…and say a prayer…
…hoping to see your face!


But it never happens!
(I don’t know why)
Maybe I’m not trying hard enough…
But, sooner or later,
I know I’ll be reaping,
The rewards of my unreturned love….

I miss my friend…

Will there ever be an end,
to the pain her absence puts me through?
I can’t tell, but I know…
the stronger I’ll grow,
…every second I’m away…
…from you.

©2009 Jude Nicholas Williams

All Rights Reserved.

I wrote this when I had just turned 18.  I’d fallen in love with a girl a few streets away from my home.  She moved to East Trinidad, a few months before migrating to the US, and I was missing her like crazy. This poem was one of my ways of coping with her absence.  It didn’t help pay the phone bill I’d run up though.  😕

Oh, and the pictures have nothing to do with the poem. I took them today, and thought they’d look nice, that’s all.  They were taken in West Trinidad… Chaguaramas and Tucker Valley.

Happy Valentine’s Day.   Regardless of whether you’re “coupled” or not… make the day special.

Peace and Rice,


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