Posts Tagged ‘happiness


Trinidad Carnival 2009: Tuesday Night Mas

The thing about getting up late in the morning on Carnival day is that you miss the opportunity to get pictures in “good light”.  With the sunlight being the brightest thing for miles, not only will you save batteries by not having to use a flash, but everything you want to shoot simply looks good.

I, however, like to take shots at night, with my flash.  There’s something that ‘pops out’ when you watch mas at night… more so when you take a picture of it.  All the glitter mas makers use in their creations come into full effect when the sun goes down.  It kicks up the portrayals a notch… or a few.

I like the energy of night mas, too.  You’d think that the masqueraders would be dog tired after jumping up and down in the hot sun for two whole days… but they’re still so full of life and energy… its infectious!  They do their collective best to just wring the best out of the last few hours of Carnival, willing it to stay, offering their jumping and wining and wailing as offerings to the Bacchanalia.

Carnival 2009?  You were one of the best.  I hope you took good notes to pass on to Carnival 2010!

Peace and Rice,


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