Posts Tagged ‘Photo365


Day 12/365: Kaiso, Kaiso!

Calypso, originally uploaded by boboleechron.

I love making mistakes like these. I think they look so cool.

I was bumped on the elbow when I took this picture of a calypsonian performing at a calyspo show. He was dressed up as a magistrate and was swinging his gavel as he sang his composition.

“Kaiso! Kaiso!” is a phrase of encouragement, akin to “Bravo! Bravo!”

Kaiso is another name for calypso, the indigenous music created and loved by Trinbagonians & Caribbean people.


Day 11/365: Fish And Chip

Day 11/365: Fish And Chip, originally uploaded by boboleechron.

My office pets – fish “George” (orange-red) and “Weezy” (grey/black) – swim in their bowl that’s got a chip up top.

Feeding time…


Day 10/365: Lights, Camera….

Day 10/365: Lights, Camera…., originally uploaded by boboleechron.

Scene at the front of Movietowne, Port of Spain, on Wednesday night.

Our National Stadium is in the background.

I had some issues with my car, which caused me to get home pretty late yesterday. I used iPhoto to do the most basic of fade effects.


Day 9/365: Personal Jesus

Personal Jesus, originally uploaded by boboleechron.

I wear a ring rosary on the middle finger of my right hand. Its the only finger that’s “just right” in terms of the ring’s fit.

Taking a picture of it was awkward, as I’m right-handed. I stuck it on a marker cover and took some shots. Stuck it on my left thumb and did the same. Then, I took a series of shots with it on my right hand and choose the best one of each lot.

Operating the camera with my left hand was a task.

Tripod for sure next time…

(You can see the rest of the set here… Only 3 pix though.)


Day 8/365: Twilight

Day 8/365: Twilight, originally uploaded by boboleechron.

The sun sets and casts an orange glow on the National Academy for Performing Arts in Port of Spain…


Day 7/365: T Minus

Day 7/365: T Minus, originally uploaded by boboleechron.

Took this picture *early* Sunday morning… as in after midnight early… its the big electronic display sign above the KFC on Independence Sq in Port of Spain.

Its advertising various products & services while a countdown clock marks the hours and the minutes before The Merry Monarch makes his entrance stage left..


Day 6/365: Tree In One

Day 6/365: Tree In One, originally uploaded by boboleechron.

Well, I had to run some errands on Saturday, but I still made the time to enjoy the beautiful weather outdoors.

It really was a beautiful day – cool afternoon breezes wafting through the air, the sky the colour of the bluest blue, while sheep-like clouds dotted the sky.

These three trees can be found in the Queen’s Park Savannah in Port of Spain.

Check out more photos from my Savannah run here…


Day 5: Skill

Day 5: Skill, originally uploaded by boboleechron.

A young boy balances beer, rum and shandy bottles on the ground on the POS Waterfront.

He walked with his box, opened it up to reveal his collection of bottles, then he entertained the crowd by stacking the bottles and building some interesting bottled structures.

The occasion was the benefit concert for Haiti, held on the Waterfront that afternoon.

He was quite talented.


Day 4: $10 Off…

Day 4: $10 Off…, originally uploaded by boboleechron.

I was trying to find an important document today, and for the life of me, I couldn’t find it.

I did find a lot of things I’d thought I’d thrown away & some other treasures I’d long thought lost, but did I find what I was looking for? No… not tonight.


I did manage to unearth this ticket stub from a 3 Canal Show (concert) I attended in 2006, though.

I guess I was saving it for the $10 discount, but put it somewhere where I wouldn’t find it… until four years had almost passed.


I crack me up sometimes…


Day 3: Kick off your shoes…

Day 3: Kick off your shoes…, originally uploaded by boboleechron.

Relax your feet.

Long, hard day at the office.

Feels good to be home.

Oh… I also realised today that someone was stealing pictures from my Flickr feed. More on that later.

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